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We have been given false information as to what virus’ really are. The “Germ Theory” put forth has never been proven. A virus, is something created by our bodies to aid in the removal of toxins, and cannot jump from one host to another.

In 2008, Dr. Anthony Fauci co-authored a paper about the Spanish Flu Epidemic that rates as the most devastating modern pandemic.

They discovered that most of the victims of the Spanish Flu didn’t die from the Spanish Flu. They died from bacterial pneumonia. And the bacterial pneumonia was caused by wearing masks.

"These experiments were carried on by the United States Public Health Service... The subjects of experiment were 68 volunteers from the United States Naval Detention Training Camp, Deer Island, Boston. These volunteers had been exposed in some degree to an epidemic of influenza at the training camp or at some station prior to coming to Deer Island; 47 of the men were without history of an attack of influenza during the recent epidemic and 39 of these were without history of an attack of such illness at any time during their lives.

The experiments consisted of inoculations with pure cultures of Pfeiffers baciilus, with secretions from the upper respiratory passages, and with blood from typical cases of influenza. The study was begun on November 13 with an experiment in which a suspension of a freshly isolated culture of Pfeiffers bacillus was instilled into the nose of each of 3 nonimmunes and into 3 controls who had a history of an attack in the present epidemic. None of these volunteers showed any reaction following this inoculation. Another experiment was made at a later date with a suspension of a number of different pure cultures of Pfeiffers bacillus, of which 4 were recently isolated. Ten presumably nonimmune volunteers were inoculated, with the same negative results.

Three sets of experiments were made with secretions, both unfiltered and filtered, from the upper respiratory tract of typical cases of influenza in the active stage of the disease. In these experiments a total of 30 men were subjected to inoculation by means of spray, swab, or both, of the nose and throat. The interval elapsing between securing secretions from the donors and inoculation of the volunteers was progressively reduced in these experiments so that in the third of the series the interval at most was 30 seconds. In no instance was an attack of influenza produced in any one of the subjects. An experiment was made in which the members of one of the groups of volunteers which had been subjected to inoculation with secretions were exposed to a group of cases of influenza in the active stage of the disease in a manner intended to simulate conditions which in nature are supposed to favor the transmission of the disease. Each of this group of 10 volunteers came into close association for a few minutes with each of 10 selected cases of influenza in the wards of the Chelsea Naval Hospital. At the time the volunteers were exposed to this infection the cases were from 10 to 84 hours from the onset of their illness and 4 of them were not over 24 hours after the onset. Each volunteer conversed a few minutes with each of the selected patients, who were requested to, and coughed into the face of each volunteer in turn, so that each volunteer was exposed in this manner to all 10 cases. The total exposure amounted to about three-quarters of an hour for each volunteer. None of these volunteers developed any symptoms of influenza following this experiment.

End Quote, Source: The National Center for Biotechnology Information advances science and health report from: Jan 10, 1919. Download the PDF HERE.

ALL Viruses from HIV, EBV, CMV, Hepatitis C, West Nile Virus, Ebola, Measles, Zika, and Now the Coronavirus, are ALL Phantom Viruses – Viral Existence Has NEVER Been Scientifically Demonstrated and Never Proven!

Scientist Jailed After Discovering Deadly Viruses Are Delivered Through Vaccines

Germ THEORY has been debunked since 1918, when the Boston Health Department failed to infect a single one of the 300 healthy subjects they contaminated with the bodily fluids of “Spanish Flu” carriers. Viruses do not exist the way most have been taught to believe. That is due to; two centuries old medical/corporate (Rockefeller, Carnegie, Gates, Morgan, etc.) propaganda at work.

Viruses are Exosomes – solvents for toxic cells. Allopathic medical doctors are trained in Rockefeller funded medical schools without any real nutritional knowledge, taking about two weeks of classes in all their years of study. Abraham Flexner was hired to write up the Rockefeller/Carnegie/Ford/AMA inspired and funded 1910 FLEXNER REPORT, which was used as an excuse to defund, defame and eventually eliminate the holistic medical service and culture. Louis Pasteur was another scientist in league with the Rockefellers, and he pushed the Germ Theory, which is still pushed as fact by the medical schools.

Terrain Theory, put into play by Pasteur’s rival, Antoine Bechamp, says our bodies express bacteria and viruses as cleaning and alarm-messenger agents to other cells.

To sell drugs and vaccines, pharmaceutical backed companies, doctors and schools ran with Pasteur’s Germ Theory and tried to blamed every disease possible on it. Scurvy, for example, was blamed on infection, yet proven to be caused by a lack of vitamin C. When kids ate asbestos-laden wall chips, docs and scientists blamed their parents for being stupid, rather than themselves for blanketing the planet with harmful drugs, toxins and chemicals. The “progress” driven by the big money in the last couple centuries saw a lot of toxins from lead, arsenic, DDT, asbestos and many pesticides be splayed upon the public.

When people got sick their corrupt scientists blamed it on an “infectious” agent that is present during the very toxicity caused by their employers. This industry causes 440k deaths a year in America alone due to “medical errors” (partially defined as an unintended outcome even under correctly administered care) and over 100k annual deaths due to legal drugs. This is only from the reports we know about. Taking into account hackneyed “studies”, unreported medical errors and overdoses, and unreported adverse vaccine effects that cause all sorts of chronic diseases, neurological disorders and death, it’s abundantly clear that the pharmaceutical-backed medical industry is not aimed at healing the population, but rather, at reducing their prolificity, health and power through deceptions of the highest degree.

Take Polio: As farmers & communities began to spray the first arsenic-based “Paris Green” in the late 1800s to control insects, and then lead-arsenate, more cases of paralysis and poisoning appeared, but with no detectable source of “infection.” When the public began to question possible toxicity from pesticides, they were shouted down and mocked – but not challenged with actual scientific data. “Reports of children killed by arsenic poisoning began to surface, and authorities who had worked tirelessly to enforce the mandatory application of pesticides blamed the deaths on improper spraying techniques by reckless farmers.” – The Moth and the Iron Lung DDT was invented in Germany in 1873. The first recorded case of paralytic polio was in Sweden around 1886. And back then, all types of paralysis were diagnosed as polio. According to the World Health Organization, a vaccine strain of polio is running uncontrolled across Africa right now. DDT was in widespread use across America for years and is still in widespread use in many “third world” countries.

At the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research (now Rockefeller University) it was Abraham’s older brother Simon Flexner who was frantically poking around in the bone marrows of lab animals to find/create/pass on the polio virus. Scientists would go on to drill holes into the brains of monkeys and pour toxic spinal gunk into it until achieving the desired results: One monkey died and another got paralyzed and then some. This was heralded as the polio “vaccine”. So in stark contrast to the claim that vaccines save lives, it’s the vaccines themselves that are a big problem. So, how was polio “eradicated”? The corporate elite simply stopped spraying everyone with pesticides, rolled out a toxic vaccine and then took credit for helping people, while getting rich from the misery they caused in the first place!


The Truth About Germ Theory


The TRUTH about Germ Theory

viral theory.jpg

Robert O Young DSc, PhD Dismantling The Viral Theory


Robert O Young DSc, PhD Dismantling The Viral Theory


Dr Andrew Kaufman on virus'


Dr Andrew Kaufman on virus'

Koch’s Postulates

wiki link

Four criteria that were established by Robert Koch to identify the causative agent of a particular disease, these include:

  1. the microorganism or other pathogen must be present in all cases of the disease

  2. the pathogen can be isolated from the diseased host and grown in pure culture

  3. the pathogen from the pure culture must cause the disease when inoculated into a healthy, susceptible laboratory animal

  4. the pathogen must be reisolated from the new host and shown to be the same as the originally inoculated pathogen

Without Koch’s Postulates; the causative agent is not identified nor proven.

It is now more important then ever to do you own research. It is a fact that: government, big pharma, CDC, FDA, science, main stream media, lie and deceive the people. Pharma has consistently harmed, killed, millions for the sake of a fat bank account. Cures have been held back, natural remedies; hidden, destroyed, vilified.

Bilderberger Jacques Attalli

© 2021 The Virus Truth

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