Corona Virus Testing
(July 24, 2021) CDC Drops the PCR test finally.
Nov. 20, 2020
Portuguese Court Rules PCR Tests “Unreliable”, up to 97% of positive results could be false positives.
World Bank Records shows COVID-19 Test Kits Were Exported In 2017 And 2018. The World Bank website has an active record for “COVID-19 Diagnostic Test Instruments and apparatus (902780) exports by country in 2018” even though the World Health Organization did not name Coronavirus “COVID-19” until February 2020 amid this year’s outbreak. There is also a record for COVID-19 tests exported in 2017.
Kary B. Mullis, the inventor of the method used in the presently available Covid-19 tests, which is called PCR, (Polymerase Chain Reaction.) “There are no trademark clinical features of COVID-19 infection, It involves an acute lack of oxygen, for reasons unclear. People can’t breathe. Intubation is a serious, potentially dangerous procedure that begs many questions”…”I’m skeptical that a PCR test is ever true. It’s a great scientific research tool. It’s a horrible tool for clinical medicine. 30% of your infected cells have been killed before you show symptoms.”
“Don’t do it, I say, when people ask me,” … “No healthy person should be tested. It means nothing but it can destroy your life, make you absolutely miserable.”
In the early 1990’s, PCR, (Polymerase Chain Reaction) came into popular use, and Kary Mullis was awarded the Nobel Prize for it in 1993. PCR, simply put, is a thermal cycling method used to make up to billions of copies of a specific DNA sample, making it large enough to study. As it correctly says on PCR’s Wikipedia page, PCR is an “…indispensable technique” with a “broad variety” of applications, “…including biomedical research and criminal forensics.”
Evidence that COVID RNA Base Pairs are Identical to Chromosome 8 Human DNA (VIDEO)

A January 2020 US Pentagon study (Wolff 2020) found that the flu shot INCREASES the risks from coronavirus by 36%. “Receiving influenza vaccination may increase the risk of other respiratory viruses, a phenomenon known as “virus interference…’vaccine derived’ virus interference was significantly associated with coronavirus…”
Many other studies suggest the increased risk of viral respiratory infections, including coronavirus, following vaccination for influenza.
A 2018 CDC study (Rikin et al 2018) found that flu shots increase the risk of non-flu acute respiratory illnesses (ARIs), including coronavirus, in children.
A 2011 Australian study (Kelly et al 2011) found that flu shots doubled the risk for non-flu viral lung infections.
A 2012 Hong Kong study (Cowling et al 2012) found that flu shots increase the risk for non-flu respiratory infections by 4.4 times.
A 2017 study (Mawson et al 2017) found vaccinated children were 5.9 times more likely to suffer pneumonia than their unvaccinated peers.
Children’s Health Defense is aware of a contrary study published last month by Gunther Fink et. al. That report appears to conclude that flu vaccines may be prophylactic against coronavirus. The study, of Brazilian populations, has many dubious unexplained outcomes including a 47% death rate among study subjects, raising numerous unanswered questions about the methodology and validity of this research. UC campuses should not be encouraging flu shots until we have unambiguous science supporting efficacy against COVID.
The bill gates family comes from a long line of eugenicists, please look it up. The CDC has covered up vaccine damage for decades and the media is controlled, please look into this. Now is the time to put down the screens and see the agenda waged against you, it's been going on for a very long time.

“PCR is a needle in a haystack technology that can be extremely misleading in “the diagnosis of infectious diseases.”
David Crowe– Canadian researcher, with a degree in biology and mathematics, host of The Infectious Myth podcast, and President of the think-tank Rethinking AIDS. “PCR is really a manufacturing technique,” Crowe explained. “You start with one molecule. You start with a small amount of DNA and on each cycle the amount doubles, which doesn’t sound like that much, but if you, if you double 30 times, you get approximately a billion times more material than you started with. So as a manufacturing technique, it’s great. What they do is they attach a fluorescent molecule to the RNA as they produce it. You shine a light at one wavelength, and you get a response, you get light sent back at a different wavelength. So, they measure the amount of light that comes back and that’s their surrogate for how much DNA there is. I’m using the word DNA. There’s a step in RT- PCR test which is where you convert the RNA to DNA. So, the PCR test is actually not using the viral RNA. It’s using DNA, but it’s like the complimentary RNA.
Consent to this false test and the consequences might not be what you want. This is a complete; world-wide, demonic, - take over of humanity.
Anything that tries to frighten you comes from “opposition,” in a spiritual battle. It’s not the Holy Spirit, period. Ignore its threats and keep your wits about you. You don’t have to shout, “Stay safe!’ to your neighbors. We are safe. We have an immune system that is a miracle like The Sistine Chapel. It withstands toxic, microbial inundation on a grand scale at all times, while operating a super-highway of adaptive life-sustaining genetic information, on cellular bridges, emitting telegrams of vital evolutionary code, slandered as “viruses” or “retroviruses.”
Dr Theresa Deisher- Recently Aborted Baby DNA in Vaccines (VIDEO)
Anaphylaxis Following m-RNA COVID-19 Vaccine
Dr. Stanley Plotkin, in a deposition under oath admits aborted human fetuses in vaccines (VIDEO)
Why I Began Questioning HIV, Kary B. Mullis (awarded the Nobel Prize) (VIDEO)
Vaccination data from doctors and scientist
Nurse speaks on the testing (VIDEO) was posted in her Facebook page - Kate Shemirani - Natural Nurse in a Toxic World ~ April 13, 2020